Snøhetta has designed the new website and visual identity for Rindalshytter, one of Norway’s leading producers of cabins.
Rindalshytter’s philosophy is based on building functional, efficient cabins with a distinct Scandinavian expression, providing its customers with a great framework for a close interaction with nature in a genuine, devoted and engaging manner.
Snøhetta previously designed the cabin, “Gapahuk” for Rindalshytter, where its layout encourages interaction with both people and nature. The new identity and website is built upon this, aiming to convey a modern view of the traditional Norwegian cabin coziness, called “hyttekos”.
Cabins represent tranquility, standing as a stark contrast to one’s hectic everyday life. Building on the sense of shifting from a busy city to a peaceful cabin, the cold outdoors to the warm indoors, and the changing of the seasons, the key components are based on transitions.
We’ve developed a brand-new selection of images which plays with the duality of indoors – outdoors, and up close – far away. These images focus on lighting, scenery and angles, capturing both the surrounding nature and the materials of the cabins, providing the visitors with a peek into what staying in one of Rindalshytter's cabins might entail.
The colors are based on the transitions you experience in nature. From deep pine forests to light birch wood, from sunrise to sunset and the shifting seasons, the palette ranges from deeper shades to faded tints.
The new design has an editorial focus as it is built in a way that allows each visitor a deeper insight, greater overview and better impression of each cabin’s qualities and uniqueness. It enables the time for a potential customer to dwell on the different models, ensuring they find the cabin that is perfectly suited to cover their needs.
Rindalshytter’s signature cabin style is based on traditional log work. The logo is an abstract “R”, constructed with vertical and diagonal lines on a tight grid.